Nefas Silk Lafto Sub-City, Kebele 04, MIDROC Technology Group Corporate Center
251-011-372 82 18, 19, 20, 21
MIDROC Gold Mine PLC is organized under the Office of the Chief Executive Officer of MIDROC Ethiopia Technology Group and is led by the CEO who is also the General Manager.
The company has four Operation Units: Mine Operations, Heavy/Light Duty Maintenance Operations, Metallurgy Operations, Exploration; and seven service units; all of which are managed by qualified managers endowed with rich experience, and geared up for company future growth. In order to facilitate an effective management of the company, the Management has placed different Policies and Procedures into practice.
Among these are: Human Resources Services Policy and Procedure Manual (HRSPM); Financial Services Policy and Procedure Manual (FSPM); Attest Plan; Materials Management Services Policy and Procedure manual (MMSPM); Organizational Structure Manual (OSM); Collective Agreement; Protection Services Policy and Procedure Manual (PSPM); Educational Policy and HIV/AIDS Policy Manual.
All Policy and Procedure Manuals are subject to change and hence nearly 80 directives have been released to improve the policies.