Ethio National School is located in AkakiKalitySubcity, Addis Ababa. The school was established in 1998 G.C. when Mrs. Amelework Abebe had a vision to establish a school that would serve quality education for the community and the country at large.
At the time of establishment, Ethio National School has registered only 50 students through KG – Grade 1. Due to the founder’s relentless effort, the students’ number boosted since its initial establishment. The school presently serves grades KG-12 and has an enrollment of nearly 4000 students, 250 professional staff members and a paraprofessional support staff of 125.
The school renders its service for students coming from low-income families. The school assists parents with severe financial problems by arranging scholarship schemes. Currently, there are about 150 students benefiting from the tuition scholarship.
Parent involvement in the school is strong and positive. The community cares about its school and takes pride in the accomplishments of its students. For the past 16 years, the school has strived to place itself at the vanguard of provision of quality education. Today Ethio National School is a well-known K-12 school competitive at the highest level winning countless awards for its academic and behavioral progresses.
It has a 100% passing record in each National Examinations and University Entrance Examination with breathtaking results. For instance, 6 of our students scored the highest points in the National exams and have received recognition from the Ministry of Education in the 2013/14 academic year.