FITS PVT. LTD. CO. provide a complete range of purchasing services through International companies, local supply of stationary items, office machines and furniture supplies, supply of TEM FILTER KITS, customs clearing service, supply of Laboratory equipment and chemicals, and supply of computers and computer accessories in Ethiopia. Around the clock-Around the World FITS/IPA (International Procurement Agency) can handle all kinds of your foreign purchasing needs. No matter how large or small your request is, you need only to contact us with your request. We take care of the rest. From our sales outlet which is conveniently located on the main road of Maskel Flower Hotel, Opposite to Yared Church, we supply all stationery items, computer accessories and office machines. With our additional Motto "Service is Our Business" we deliver orders to the premises of our esteemed customers. Just make sure you placed the order, your supplies will be right on your desk. We also supply Tem Drinking water filter Kit that will enable you to get safe water, free of water born diseases less than 2 cents per liter. Kits are available for; delegates, families, health posts and institutions.