International Aid Services (IAS) is an International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) abiding by Christian values. Founded in 1989 with the purpose of assisting conflict affected populations in South Sudan we now run programs in over 10 countries in primarily Horn of Africa /Eastern Africa supported by 4 offices in Europe and the United States. The Alliance Head Office is located in Stockholm, Sweden. We see ourselves as catalysts for development. Investing in people in order for them realize their full potential going beyond relief and development.
Historically IAS has been regarded mainly as a humanitarian actor. However, through the years and with the expansion of the organization into new thematic and geographical areas it is presently engaged in the full development spectrum ranging from emergency relief to long term development. Often these programs can run simultaneously in any given region; particularly in complex and/or protracted conflicts and fragile situations which tend to be the nature of most contexts where IAS is operating.
Missions: Our biblical understanding of missions motivates everything we do. The unreached and under-privileged peoples groups are our major focus in spreading the good news.