Ethiopian Catholic Secretariat (ECS) is the executive organ of the Catholic Ethiopian Bishops Conference (CBEC) coordinating the pastoral Activities commission (PAC) and the social and development commission (ECC-SDCO) activities. A nonprofit making organization that works as a national coordination, facilitation and representation office to the entire social and development activities of the church. It works in collaboration with ten dioceses. SDCO further divided into departments for Food Security, Education, Health, Women & Family affairs. The Ethiopian Catholic Church (ECC) renders health service mainly to the poor, marginalized and most underprivileged in society in almost all regions of the country. The Catholic Church service in the fields of pastoral an social development are coordinated by the Ethiopian Catholic Secretariat (ECS) . ECS in its present form was established in 1965 and got its first organizational structure in 1971. Vision, To realize Ethiopian society where all its spiritual, physical, socio-economical and cultural needs of the people are met and where all peoples are living in harmony, solidarity, equality, love, justice and peace. Mission, The mission of ECC is to bear witness to the love of God (Acts 1:8) by promoting the integral human development of all members of Ethiopian society by ensuring growth and self-reliance through evangelization, awareness raising and capacity building with the aim of social transformation.