SAEDO is an Ethiopian residents charity organization regeistered by EFDRE charity & society agency with reg. No. of 3219
Our focus is to give an integrated support for OVC, youth, women, disability & elderly including environmental protection and development in a preventative & participatory approach by empowering the beneficiaries. we use all capable resource centers like individual volunteers, business companies & other charity firms.
We work on education, health, livelihood, food security, water & sanitation, disaster prevension & rehabilitation.
Our focus areas areas are the poorest & marginalized individuals, families, groups, communities especially of pastoral & semi pastoral in Oromia like: Fentale, Adami tulu, etc of East shoa zone woredas, Afar & somale regions.
Currently, we started working with international business companies, government bodies & individuals for our resource. we are supporting 75 orphan children of koka rural area in Lume district. We have strong support from government & business companies. We are successful in rehabilitating a degraded land at Jogo gudedo farmers kebele.
We are trying to expand our service to other Afar & Somalia regions by looking for supporters.