Damota Wolayta Farmers Cooperative Union limited liability was found in Wolayta zone which is located in Southern Nations, Nationality & Peoples Regional state of Ethiopia. The Union was formed in 2003 by 26 primary cooperatives to assist farmers to market their produce and also inform good agricultural practice. The number of primary cooperatives affiliated to the Union reached to 64. Out of 64 cooperatives 42 coops of which produce coffee with a total membership of 22,582 farmers. Members have benefited from better prices (due to communal certification and marketing) and higher yields thanks to technical assistance in areas such as stumping and soil fertility management.
Objectives of the Union are To improve the bargaining power of primary cooperatives there by their members; To procure the agricultural inputs and services at a lower cost; To enable members product get better market access; To promote modern agricultural technologies; To facilitate credit for input and produce marketing; To access market opportunity for farmers via promoting direct linkage with the international markets.
Vision of the Union is, by using modern technological production techniques, enhancing production and productivity there by increasing the well being of the farmers.
Mission of the Union is to maximize the benefit and capacity of primary cooperatives, for that supplying of technological inputs and increase the net income of farmers so as to accelerate marketable produce and sell in the international markets based on the prevailing market signals.