Jacaranda Integrated Agro Industry is engaged in modern cattle fattening in Awash Melkasa, modern bee keeping, modern silk manufacturing and modern goat keeping, modern dairy farming, modern poultry, modern rabbit keeping, veterinary pharmacy and modern meat processing. Jacaranda Integrated Agro-industry is a company which is established in pursuant to art. 52 of Ethiopian commercial code on October 12-2008 E.C in the occasion of general assembly held at Sodere Resort hotel. It is the only company in Ethiopia that will perform all agricultural activities integrated in a modern way. The share company aspires to see modem agriculture that produces quality products.
Mission of the company is the create large professional group who have similar interest to invest in agriculture, to transform the current agricultural production process in to modern and produce a high quality products so that to obtain premium price which improves the life standard of the members and the economy of the country.