The main responsibility of EMA as described in the proclamation is the compilation, preparation, analysis, Production/publication, administration and distribution of the following fundamental geo-spatial information data sets in Ethiopia. These fundamental data sets are: Geodetic Control Networks (Ground control Points); Remotely sensed imagery (aerial Photographs, satellite imagery); Topographic (Base) Maps; Thematic Maps (Transportation, Utilities and services, the Natural Environment, and Tourist Maps etc.); Hypsography (contours, DEM, Spot Heights ,etc); Hydrograph (Lakes, Rivers, Streams, etc.); Administrative Boundaries (International, National, Regional, Zonal, Woreda, etc.) & Geographic Names. Our vision is by 2023 G.C we strive to become a reliable and prime source of geo-spatial information products and services that can be cited as a role model in the field in Africa. Our mission is to produce and disseminate best quality and contemporaneous geospatial information products and Services that fully satisfy the requirements of the customers and also to play a leading role in the field of geospatial information production and distribution in Ethiopian by regulating the quality and Standards of such products and there by contribute to the sustainable developments of our country.