Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority (EWCA) is a governmental organization under the Ministry of culture & tourism given the authority to undertake conservation and sustainable utilization of wildlife in Ethiopia. EWCA works closely with national and International stakeholders on wildlife conservation. It actively participates in different seminars, experience sharing workshops, conferences and other relevant meetings on wildlife conservation, biodiversity, Ecology(ecosystem management),Environmental management & other related topics. Establishment, Emperor Menelik II issued the first regulation on Oct 16, 1908 and it had 9 articles strictly forbidden young elephant hunting. The law stated that the sum weight of the trophy of two tusks of hunted elephant should not be less than 17 kilograms. This seems very reasonable because the average weight of the tusks of the bull is 20-45 kilograms. The first wildlife proclamation was issued in May 29, 1944. Same proclamation number 61/1944 and detail regulation was also endorsed following the proclamation by Ministry of agriculture in 1945. UNESCO delegation team in 1964 recommended the establishment of wildlife conservation institute and based on this, by order No.54/1969 and 59/1969 Awash National Park and Semien National Park respectively established. Order No.65/ 1970 provided legal establishment of Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Organization (EWCO) and the activities and function of the organization was under the guidance and supervision of a board composed of institutions and individuals. The administration was under the board till 1975. Following this proclamation, regulation No 416/1972 and 445/1974 were issued by Ministry of Agriculture upon the recommendation of the wildlife conservation board. The Forest and Wildlife Authority established on September 5, 1980 by proclamation No 192/1980.The management of the authority was under a board. The Convention on the International Trade on Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora (CITES) ratified by decree 14/1989. The duty and responsibility of the Forest and Wildlife Authority transferred to Ministry of Natural Resources Development and Environmental protection on January 20,1993 by proclamation number 41/1993.
Mission, to scientifically conserve and manage Ethiopian wildlife and its habitats in collaboration with communities and stakeholders for the ecological, economical and social benefits of the present generation, and pass to the next generation as a heritage.
In 2020 to be one of the top five countries in wildlife tourism in Africa.