ASMEN PLC is a company located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The company is mainly working in Screws/Nuts/ Nails /The Like business sectors.
Since its founding in Addis Ababa in September 1999 G.C;Asmen Wire Processing Company, has become the leading supplier of wire processing products in Ethiopia, with sales offices in two places Merkato at Dirtera and Teklhaimanot on MZ Buliding.AsmenPlc new Tube mill processing plant expansionwhich installation and commissioning completed in February 2017; 46km away from Addis Ababa, in the Oromia regional state atBishoftu town; which addedhundred new jobs to the town. Asmen Plc initial investment was birr 6mil and now the total asset of the company has reached to birr 182mil due to the new expansion. Asmen Plc has a total compound area of 55,922m2, which included Wire processing plant around Gurji 9,733m2and Tube Mill processing Plant at Bishoftu 45km far from Addis Ababa; 46,189m2.
Asmen Wire processing Company is the largest producer of six type finished wire products such as Normal nail 3 to 15 cm long nail variety 40,000 metric ton and roofing nail2,016 metric ton, Barbed wire2,212metric ton, Mesh wire416 metric ton, Galvanized wire192metric ton and Binding Wires production capacity of 704 metric ton per year.In general Company’snail and other wire processing capacity is 46,528 ton per year. Besides Asmen Tube Mill processing plant has a total production capacity of 75,000 metric ton of three types of products namely Plain Sheet, Hollow Section and LTZ profile and Galvanized Normal Roofing Cover (Corrugated Iron Sheet). Asmen Plc power consumption is 5.4megawatt.
Although the Asmen Wire Processing Company employment has declined steadily for the past two years; there were an estimated 784 people employed in the Factory, however problem of raw material shortage due to lack of foreign currency, the factory’s current work force reached to 534 and the new Tube Mill Plant employed 149 yet with the same case their number decreased to 83; thus as of September 2018 Asmen PLC has a total of 617 work force including 44 supporting employees at Head Office.
The Company has been implementing Kaizen for its continuous improvement and it has planned to be certified in ISO 9001: 2015 by the middle 2019.